Device Flexibility and BYOD Support

Enhancing Workforce Productivity with Seamless, Secure Multi-Device Access and BYOD Integration

Triofox and CentreStack boost your business with Device Flexibility and BYOD Support, ensuring productivity with seamless file access across devices. Our solutions, suitable for remote or office work, enhance efficiency and security through an HTTPS-based storage gateway and cloud file management, embodying the 'work from anywhere, on any device' ethos.

In today's fast-paced world, your business needs to adapt quickly. With Triofox and CentreStack, we offer unparalleled Device Flexibility and BYOD Support, ensuring your team's productivity never skips a beat. Imagine seamless file access across all devices, meeting the modern workforce's demand for flexibility and accessibility. Whether your employees are in the office or working remotely, our solutions cater to a variety of devices, enhancing operational efficiency without compromising security. Embrace the future of work with our advanced HTTPS-based storage gateway and comprehensive cloud file management solutions. Let's make 'work from anywhere, on any device' your new reality.


In the era of remote work and rapid digital transformation, businesses face significant hurdles in maintaining operational efficiency and employee satisfaction without robust Device Flexibility and BYOD Support. The expectation for seamless file access across a myriad of devices, coupled with the need for uncompromised security, puts unprecedented pressure on IT infrastructures, potentially leading to decreased productivity and heightened security risks.

Operational Inefficiency

Lack of device flexibility can lead to operational bottlenecks, hindering employees' ability to access files seamlessly across devices, thus impacting productivity.

Security Risks

Without comprehensive BYOD support, businesses risk exposing sensitive data to security breaches, complicating compliance with data protection regulations.

Employee Dissatisfaction

The modern workforce expects flexibility. Inadequate support for device choice can lead to employee frustration and decreased job satisfaction.

Digital Transformation Hurdles

Businesses striving for digital transformation face challenges in integrating diverse devices, potentially slowing down their digital journey.

Recognizing these challenges is crucial for leveraging them into opportunities for growth and innovation.


Maximize productivity and ensure security with our Device Flexibility and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Support. Our solution facilitates seamless file access across all devices, catering to the modern workforce's need for flexibility and accessibility. Leveraging Triofox and CentreStack, our approach boosts operational efficiency and employee satisfaction without sacrificing security.

Seamless File Access

Ensure employees can access files from any device, anywhere, enhancing productivity and operational efficiency.

Enhanced Security

Robust security protocols manage and secure devices accessing the platform, safeguarding sensitive data without hindering accessibility.

Operational Efficiency

By supporting a broad spectrum of devices, our solution eliminates barriers to information access, streamlining operations.

Employee Satisfaction

Meet the modern workforce's expectations for flexibility, significantly boosting job satisfaction and retention.

Explore the transformation of your business operations through our Device Flexibility and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Support by implementing the Triofox solution.

Embrace the future of work: Discover how our device flexibility and BYOD support can transform your business efficiency and security.

Deployment Option #1

Hybrid Local File Servers

Gladinet enables seamless file server integration with support for Windows 2016/2019/2022, offering indirect & direct connection options and flexible access.

Deployment Option #2

File Servers with Direct Cloud Access

Gladinet provides a direct file access solution from remote devices and mobile devices.

Join the future of work: Embrace device freedom and secure file access anywhere!

Cloud Drive Mapping

Drive mapping is an important feature for online file access. End users can easily drag and drop files and folders from a set of mapped drives over the Internet without a VPN connection.

Global File Locking

File locking is a vital feature for online file access and team collaboration to avoid conflicts. End users need to control global concurrent online file access by using file locking to maintain consistency.

Secure Mobile Access

Have you spent many hours troubleshooting VPN connections? Have both your staff and IT support team lost productivity due to downed VPN connections? VPNs are complicated; there is a better way!

How It Works

Our solution, integrating Triofox and CentreStack, delivers Device Flexibility and BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Support, enabling secure and seamless file access across all devices. This approach boosts productivity while maintaining stringent security standards, catering to the modern workforce's demand for flexibility and accessibility, and ensuring a variety of devices are supported for operational efficiency.


Seamless Integration

Leverage Triofox's advanced HTTPS-based storage gateway for secure, flexible access to files across any location, ensuring continuous workflow.


Comprehensive Support

CentreStack enhances cloud file management, supporting a wide range of devices and operating systems, facilitating collaboration and efficiency.


Secure Access

Implement robust security protocols to manage and secure devices accessing the platform, safeguarding data integrity and compliance.


Offline Capability

Ensure productivity even without internet connectivity, offering offline access to files, making our solution ideal for mobile and remote workforces.


Easy Implementation

Our solutions are designed for ease of implementation, whether integrating with cloud or on-premise storage, ensuring a smooth transition and quick setup.

Our Recent Case Studies

Revolutionizing Real Estate Data Management

A leading real estate company transformed its operations by adopting CentreStack, achieving remarkable operational efficiency, cost savings, and enhanced security. The transition to a more flexible, secure, and cost-effective data management solution enabled seamless remote file access and robust protection against ransomware, aligning with the modern work environment's demands. This success story underscores the importance of innovative data management solutions in driving operational excellence and growth in the real estate sector, offering valuable insights for businesses aiming to navigate the challenges of digital transformation.

Genomic Data Management Revolution

A leading genomics company transformed its data management and sharing capabilities with a secure, on-premises solution, significantly enhancing operational efficiency and security. Facing challenges with outdated systems, the company partnered with Triofox to implement a solution that streamlined large genomic data file sharing, integrated seamlessly with existing IT infrastructure, and ensured compliance with stringent security standards. This strategic move not only reduced costs but also improved data recovery processes, setting a new benchmark for data management in the genomics industry. The success story underscores the importance of tailored, secure data management solutions.

Unlock Next-Level Collaboration & Security

Dive deeper into the future of workplace efficiency and security. Explore how our advanced features like Global File Locking, File Server Security, and VPN-less Access redefine collaboration and safeguard your data. Click below to learn how we're transforming the digital workspace.

Secure Collaboration Lock

Prevent Conflicts, Enhance Workflow Efficiency

Secure Modernization Integration

Safeguard Data, Embrace Technology, Ensure Compliance

VPN-less Secure Access

Seamless Remote Work, No VPN Hassles

Frequently Asked Questions: All You Need to Know

Yes, our platform accommodates BYOD policies by allowing users to access files and work from their personal devices, ensuring they meet our security requirements.

Yes, Triofox and CentreStack support seamless file access across various devices, including phones, to meet modern workforce flexibility and accessibility needs.

You can use whatever device you prefer to do your job, not restricting you to office machines anymore. However, for personal devices, we ensure they have our security agents installed before setup.

Triofox and CentreStack boost productivity by ensuring seamless file access across devices, accommodating the diverse range of devices employees use.

Yes, Triofox and CentreStack are designed to provide a consistent level of accessibility and functionality across all devices, ensuring a seamless user experience.

The system supports full integration with Azure AD, allowing for SAML integration and single sign-on capabilities.

Yes, the system includes versioning capabilities, offering protection from accidental deletions and ransomware or malware attacks. Users can configure retention policies for content and restore to previous versions before an attack.

Files or folders can be shared directly with external users or business partners from the data on your file server, enhancing collaboration and accessibility outside the company.


We are ready to help.

Contact us to discuss what your organization needs in regards to
deploy a secure remote access and file sharing solution.
We'll provide you with best practices, product expertise, reference design, demo and support right away!

  • Mobility/
  • BYOD Flexibility/
  • Seamless Device Integration /
  • Unlock Productivity: Any Device, Anywhere Access

Ready to boost mobile productivity and enable workforce to work from home today?