Non-Technical User File Server Setup

Simplify File Server Setup: Secure, User-Friendly Access for Non-Technical Users

Our platform enables non-technical users to easily set up a secure, efficient file server with a few clicks, streamlining file sharing, securing data, and organizing digital workspaces without needing IT expertise, ensuring a reliable setup for modern businesses.

Imagine effortlessly setting up a file server without diving into technical jargon or complex procedures. Our solution empowers you, the non-technical user, to establish a secure, efficient file server for your business with just a few clicks. Whether you're looking to streamline file sharing among team members, secure critical business data, or simply organize your digital workspace, our intuitive platform guides you every step of the way. No IT background? No problem. Experience the freedom and peace of mind that comes with a reliable file server setup, tailored for the modern business landscape.


Navigating the complexities of setting up a file server can be daunting, especially for non-technical users. The challenge lies in finding a solution that simplifies this process, ensuring secure and easy access to files without the need for intricate setups or technical know-how. Many face the hurdle of enabling seamless file sharing among team members, securing critical business data, and organizing digital workspaces efficiently, all while avoiding the complexities of traditional file server setups.

Complex Setup

The intricacy of traditional file server setups poses a significant challenge, requiring technical expertise that non-technical users often lack.

Secure Access

Ensuring secure, remote access to files across various devices without relying on VPNs or cloud solutions is a major concern for businesses.

Data Sovereignty

Businesses are hesitant to move their data to the cloud, seeking solutions that allow them to maintain control over their critical information on-premises.


Finding a solution that offers a straightforward, user-friendly approach to file server setup and management is crucial yet challenging.

Learn how our file server setup, designed for non-technical users, simplifies complex challenges into a smooth experience.

Existing Solutions and Their Limitations

In the quest for a user-friendly file server setup, non-technical users often encounter barriers that traditional solutions fail to address. These existing solutions, while robust, present a series of limitations that can deter non-profit organizations and small businesses seeking simplicity and efficiency. The complexities of VPNs, the cost and management hurdles of cloud services, and the technical demands of self-hosted options leave much to be desired for those without IT expertise.

VPN Complexity

VPNs, though secure, add a layer of complexity and often require technical knowledge beyond the grasp of non-technical users, making remote access a challenge.

Cloud Service Costs

Cloud-based solutions like Dropbox or OneDrive may simplify file sharing but come with recurring costs and concerns over data sovereignty and privacy.

Self-Hosted Technical Demands

Options such as SharePoint or FileCloud offer customization but demand a level of IT expertise for setup and maintenance, posing a significant barrier.

Lack of On-Premises Flexibility

Many competitors require moving data to the cloud, lacking the flexibility to support existing on-premises infrastructure without significant overhaul.


Simplify your file server setup with our solution tailored for users without technical expertise. Enjoy secure, remote file access without the complexities of conventional configurations. Our user-friendly platform facilitates effortless setup and secure data sharing within teams, ensuring your data remains on-premises.

Simplified Setup

Effortlessly establish a secure file server with a user-friendly interface, eliminating the need for technical expertise or complex procedures.

Secure Remote Access

Gain secure, remote access to your files from any device, anywhere, without the complexities of VPNs or the risks of cloud storage.

Data Sovereignty

Maintain full control over your critical business data with our on-premises solution, ensuring your information stays within your reach.

Cost-Effective Solution

Leverage our platform's efficiency and tailored pricing for non-profit institutions, making it a scalable and budget-friendly choice.

Learn how our file server setup, designed for users without technical expertise, can streamline your file management processes. Click for details on simplifying your experience.

Empower your business with a click: Simplify file server setup for non-technical users and secure your data on-premises. Discover the ease today.

Deployment Option #1

Hybrid Local File Servers

Gladinet enables seamless file server integration with support for Windows 2016/2019/2022, offering indirect & direct connection options and flexible access.

Deployment Option #2

File Servers with Direct Cloud Access

Gladinet provides a direct file access solution from remote devices and mobile devices.

Empower your business with secure, simple file access - no IT expertise needed!

Cloud Drive Mapping

Drive mapping is an important feature for online file access. End users can easily drag and drop files and folders from a set of mapped drives over the Internet without a VPN connection.

Global File Locking

File locking is a vital feature for online file access and team collaboration to avoid conflicts. End users need to control global concurrent online file access by using file locking to maintain consistency.

Secure Mobile Access

Have you spent many hours troubleshooting VPN connections? Have both your staff and IT support team lost productivity due to downed VPN connections? VPNs are complicated; there is a better way!

How It Works

Our file server setup streamlines secure, remote file access across devices for non-technical users, eliminating the need for complex configurations. By integrating with your existing on-premises infrastructure, our solution guarantees data security and accessibility, making it ideal for small to medium-sized businesses or educational research environments.


Easy Installation

With just a few clicks, our platform guides you through a straightforward setup process, eliminating the need for technical know-how.


Secure Access

Our solution enables secure, remote access to your server's files from any device, ensuring your data's safety without complex VPN setups.


Leverage Existing Storage

Utilize your current on-premises storage without the need to migrate data to the cloud, preserving your existing infrastructure.


User-Friendly Client

'Cornerstack' and our end-user client simplify accessing your digital workspace, making file sharing and organization effortless.


Tailored Scalability

Our MSP flag option offers a cost-effective, manageable solution, allowing for easy scalability as your business or educational needs grow.

Our Recent Case Studies

Revolutionizing IT with Secure File Access

A leading electronics repair service provider transformed its IT infrastructure with CentreStack, achieving remarkable operational efficiency and data sovereignty. By implementing an on-premises solution, the organization streamlined file access for its team, eliminating the need for VPNs and costly, complex alternatives. This strategic move not only enhanced team productivity but also aligned with budgetary constraints, showcasing CentreStack's ability to deliver secure, scalable, and cost-effective IT solutions tailored for SMEs in the repair service industry.

Elevate Your File Management Game

Dive deeper into the world of seamless file management and security. Explore our advanced solutions designed to streamline your operations, enhance collaboration, and protect your data. Discover how to effortlessly manage cloud storage permissions, synchronize files without conflict, and provide secure guest access. Unlock the full potential of your digital workspace today.

Seamless File Synchronization

Prevent Conflicts, Ensure Data Integrity Effortlessly

Simplify Permission Management

Streamline Access, Secure Data, Boost Productivity

Secure Guest Collaboration

Manage Access, Enhance Security, Drive Growth

Frequently Asked Questions: All You Need to Know

Yes, our solution allows users to securely access their files on Windows, Mac, and mobile devices from anywhere, eliminating the need for a VPN or office visit.

Absolutely, you can enable easier access to your existing on-premises data without the necessity of moving it to the cloud, ensuring data security and accessibility.

The setup process is designed to be user-friendly. By installing the end-user client, non-technical users can easily create access to the drive, as demonstrated in our test installation.

While we don't have a free tier, we proudly offer a 20% discount to not-for-profit institutions to support their valuable work.

Yes, we can activate the MSP flag for your account, allowing you to manage solutions for multiple clients and offer them at a resell price, streamlining your management process.


We are ready to help.

Contact us to discuss what your organization needs in regards to
deploy a secure remote access and file sharing solution.
We'll provide you with best practices, product expertise, reference design, demo and support right away!

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