Cloud Storage for Architecture Firms

Secure, Efficient File Management for Architects

Triofox's Cloud Storage revolutionizes architecture project management by offering a secure, centralized platform tailored for firms. It supports seamless collaboration and industry-specific files, enhancing productivity and security while streamlining operations.

Triofox's Cloud Storage revolutionizes architecture firms' project management by offering a secure, centralized platform for storing, managing, and sharing all project files, including AutoCAD drawings and PDFs. Tailored to meet the specific needs of architects, it enhances productivity through seamless collaboration and supports industry-specific file types, ensuring projects advance swiftly without sacrificing security or accessibility. Embrace the future of efficient architecture project management with Triofox.


In the fast-paced world of architecture, managing and sharing large project files efficiently remains a significant hurdle. Businesses often grapple with decentralized file storage, leading to security concerns, lack of user-friendly access, and inefficient collaboration with external contractors. These challenges not only hinder operational scalability but also impact the timely delivery of projects.

Decentralized Storage

Handling multiple projects across various locations without a centralized system complicates file management and sharing, especially for large files like AutoCAD and PDFs.

Security Concerns

The absence of a secure, centralized cloud storage solution raises fears of data breaches and loss, putting sensitive project information at risk.

Inefficient Collaboration

Collaborating with contractors and team members is often cumbersome and time-consuming, due to the lack of a streamlined file-sharing mechanism.

Scalability Issues

As firms grow and take on more projects, existing local storage solutions and ad-hoc file-sharing practices become increasingly unsustainable.

Identifying these challenges marks the initial phase in evolving your architectural firm's project management and collaboration strategies.

Existing Solutions and Their Limitations

In the realm of architecture, where the size and complexity of project files can be as monumental as the structures they represent, the limitations of existing cloud storage solutions become glaringly apparent. Competing solutions often fall short in addressing the nuanced needs of architecture firms, leading to inefficiencies and frustrations that can stall project momentum.

Inadequate File Support

Mainstream cloud storage solutions like OneDrive and Dropbox struggle with the large file sizes typical in architecture, such as AutoCAD drawings, leading to slow upload/download speeds and inefficient collaboration.

Security Concerns

Solutions evaluated, including FileCloud, often lack robust ransomware protection and active scanning capabilities, leaving sensitive architectural data vulnerable to cyber threats.

Complex Integration

Architecture-specific software, particularly CAD and GIS applications, face integration challenges with common cloud platforms, hindering seamless workflow and remote access capabilities.

Costly and Complex Setup

Firms using a combination of Microsoft VM servers and Peerlink software for data synchronization report high costs and complexity, with alternatives like Citrix ShareFile creating additional data silos.


Triofox's Cloud Storage solution for Architecture Firms transforms data management by providing a secure, centralized platform that enhances collaboration and project efficiency. Designed specifically for architects, this solution accelerates project progression without compromising on security or accessibility.

Centralized Data Access

Eliminate decentralized storage woes with a single, secure location for all project files, enhancing accessibility and collaboration across teams and external contractors.

Enhanced Security Measures

With robust ransomware protection and versioning capabilities, safeguard sensitive project information against cyber threats, ensuring peace of mind.

Optimized for Architecture

Supports industry-specific file types like AutoCAD and PDFs, with intelligent caching for fast access, streamlining project workflows and remote collaboration.

Scalable and Cost-Effective

Easily scales with your firm's growth, reducing the need for costly infrastructure investments while maintaining peak performance and reliability.

Explore how Triofox enhances project management and collaboration for architecture firms, offering a secure and efficient platform. Evaluate our solution today.

Elevate your architecture firm's project management with Triofox's secure, efficient cloud storage. Discover the future of collaboration today.

Deployment Option #1

Hybrid Local File Servers

Gladinet enables seamless file server integration with support for Windows 2016/2019/2022, offering indirect & direct connection options and flexible access.

Deployment Option #2

File Servers with Direct Cloud Access

Gladinet provides a direct file access solution from remote devices and mobile devices.

Elevate your architecture firm's project efficiency with secure, centralized cloud storage. Discover Triofox now!

Cloud Drive Mapping

Drive mapping is an important feature for online file access. End users can easily drag and drop files and folders from a set of mapped drives over the Internet without a VPN connection.

Global File Locking

File locking is a vital feature for online file access and team collaboration to avoid conflicts. End users need to control global concurrent online file access by using file locking to maintain consistency.

Secure Mobile Access

Have you spent many hours troubleshooting VPN connections? Have both your staff and IT support team lost productivity due to downed VPN connections? VPNs are complicated; there is a better way!

How It Works

Our Cloud Storage solution, tailored for Architecture Firms, enhances project management and collaboration by utilizing secure, scalable cloud technology. It efficiently supports architecture-specific needs, facilitating the management and sharing of substantial files like AutoCAD and PDF documents, both internally and with external contractors.


Pooled Storage

Provides 2TB of pooled storage for 20 users, centralizing your data and making it accessible to authorized team members, enhancing collaboration and project management.


Permission Controls

Manage user permissions with ease, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access or modify files. This critical feature maintains the security and integrity of your project documents.


Guest Access

Enables guest user access for external contractors without consuming a user license, facilitating seamless collaboration on projects with various stakeholders.


User-Friendly Interface

Our platform mimics local drive access, making it intuitive for users to navigate and manage files without extensive training, simplifying the transition to cloud storage.


Industry-Specific Support

Ensures compatibility with file types commonly used in architecture, including AutoCAD files and PDFs, supporting your firm's core activities without compromise.


Secure and Scalable

Hosted on AWS cloud for high reliability and security, our solution offers ransomware protection and versioning, safeguarding your data against threats.


Efficient Remote Access

VPN-less access over HTTPS and intelligent caching enhance remote work performance, allowing your team to work efficiently, even with limited internet connectivity.

Our Recent Case Studies

Transforming Collaboration in Property Development

A global property development leader revolutionized its operational efficiency through our cloud-based file management solution. Facing challenges in secure, centralized document sharing and collaboration, the company sought a robust platform. Our solution provided a unified repository for project files, enhanced data protection, and seamless collaboration capabilities, significantly streamlining project coordination and reducing operational costs. This partnership not only solved immediate file management challenges but also set a new industry standard for operational excellence in property development, showcasing the strategic impact of tailored technological solutions.

Real Estate Data Revolution with CentreStack

A leading real estate company transformed its operations by adopting CentreStack, a cloud storage solution tailored for seamless remote file access and robust security. This strategic move resulted in enhanced operational efficiency, significant cost savings, and improved data security, setting a new standard in real estate data management. The transition to CentreStack not only streamlined data migration and access across devices but also supported the company's growth trajectory, demonstrating the platform's scalability and flexibility in addressing modern business challenges.

Expand Your Architectural Horizons

Dive deeper into the realm of architectural innovation and efficiency. Explore our tailored solutions that promise secure, seamless operations and a transformative approach to project management. Discover how Triofox elevates your architectural practice. Click below to learn more.

VPN-Free File Access

Secure, Efficient Work Beyond Office Boundaries

AWS Migration Simplified

Seamless Transition, Modern SSO, Zero Downtime

Seamless Outlook Sync

Eliminate Errors, Enhance Workflow Efficiency

Frequently Asked Questions: All You Need to Know

Triofox supports a wide range of file types including AutoCAD files, PDF files, as well as Word and Excel files, catering to the diverse needs of architecture firms.

Triofox offers permission-based access controls and hosts data in AWS cloud, providing a secure environment with ransomware protection and the ability to enable versioning for backup and restore, ensuring that only authorized users can access or modify sensitive architectural plans and documents.

Yes, external users can be granted permission-based access. Guest users can be given read-only access without consuming a license, and controlled, selective write-based access can be managed for external users, allowing them to upload files to shared folders.

Yes, Triofox allows for customization of security settings, including threshold values for ransomware detection, and enables versioning as a form of backup to protect against data loss.

The setup process is straightforward and can be completed in a 1-hour session, allowing your firm to quickly implement and start utilizing the cloud storage solution for project management.

Yes, Triofox and CentreStack are designed to manage large files efficiently, ensuring secure and fast access without compromising user experience, making it ideal for architecture firms dealing with substantial files like AutoCAD and PDF documents.

Triofox eliminates the need for VPNs by providing direct access to files and data through mapped drive letters, simplifying access for remote users, enhancing security, and reducing the IT support needed for VPN issues.

Yes, Triofox allows for secure file sharing with external parties, offering capabilities that facilitate easy collaboration with clients and partners while maintaining control over data access.


We are ready to help.

Contact us to discuss what your organization needs in regards to
deploy a secure remote access and file sharing solution.
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  • Architecture/
  • Architectural Collaboration/
  • Architectural Cloud Collaboration /
  • Streamline Projects with Secure, Centralized Storage

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